02 November 2012

RFK must die, 2007

de Shane O'Sullivan
A privilege guy with 10 kids who became a hero to black and Hispanic communities and promised to heal a divided America. This is the story of RFK and his assassin Sirhan Sirhan. The official story, the evidence for and against it, and the others who might have been involved.
In April 68, in the day after the assassination of MLK, America was in a state of civil war and the national guard kept order in the streets. While the country was burning, RFK stepped up to calm things down. 2 months later, he too would be assassinated. 68 Huge protest against the Vietnam war + the black panther preaching revolution in the big cities. Against all advice he announced that he was running for the presidency in March.
Assassinated in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in California after his victory speech. Sirhan arrested on the spot as the lone assassin. A notebook found at his house incriminated him further. He carries the motive in his shirt pocket: a news paper clipping reporting on Kennedy's plan to sell 50 bombers to Israel. 8 bullets fired, 3 hit Kennedy's body, 5 others were injured. Inconsistency between autopsy report and witnesses of the crime. Sirhan was in front of Kennedy but the autopsy report stated that all shots that hit the president were fired from his back, and from a closer mussel distance (1 foot) than Sirhan ever got to Kennedy, and at different angles (upward) than many witnesses reported seeing Sirhan (horizontal and downward). 
Manchurian candidate. Hypnosis during his trial to trigger his memory. Sirhan notebook written in hypnotic trance. Few months of programming to change his perspectives. Operation MKUltra and Artichoke.
RFK was a big threat to the CIA. A loose cannon soft on communism, champion of the minorities, who wanted to stop the war and would take control of the CIA to investigate his brother's death if elected president. Flashback to explain the context for the long history of bitterness between the Kennedys and the CIA. Secret war against Cuba, Bay of Big etc etc.

Tout cela me rappelle trop American Tabloid. Specialty and covert and para-military intelligence operations. First ever CIA base established on US soil Miami 63. Commando raids to destabilize Cuba. CIA operative David Morales and other high ranking CIA operatives were identified by witnesses on location that day. The issue of plausible deniability was paramount for the agency. Elms CIA director.
Le réalisateur a l’honnêteté de reconnaitre qu'il n'apporte pas de preuves formelles, mais qu'il y a quand même beaucoup de détails troublants dans l'histoire officielle.

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